Instructions for Reviewers
To ensure the quality of the papers that are published in “Electronics” journal, all material submitted to the journal is judged in an objective and fair manner, that is, all papers considered for publication undergo a peer review process. “Electronics” journal support double-blind review model (authors do not know who reviewers are and vice versa). Based on recommendations of at least two experts from the field, Editor-In-Chief makes the final decision about the acceptance of the paper.
The reviewer recommendation may be:
-Accept (the paper should be published as is),
-Accept with Minor Revisions (paper should be accepted after minor revisions are made which are checked by the Editor),
-Accept with Major Revisions (it is necessary to make major revisions of the paper and paper should be reviewed again),
-Reject (paper cannot be published in its current form due to the lack of originality, poor quality of writing, questionable technical soundness of the paper and/or low relevance to the readership; authors should make significant changes of the paper in order to be considered for publication in the future),
-Strong Reject (paper contains elements of the academic dishonesty such as plagiarism and should not be considered for the publication in the future).
A timely return of the reviewers’ recommendations is crucial to the publishing process. Late return of reviews is the main element that delays publication. Reviews should be returned within the requested or agreed time frame, usually two to four weeks after acceptance to review the paper. Reviewer should submit comments via the online submission system.
Guidelines for online review submission in the form of an Instruction for Reviewers is given in this document.